STAAD Add On Tool

Original price was: ₹25,000.00.Current price is: ₹0.00.

Package of STAAD Add On Tools


This package constitutes of the following applications, which efficiently saves the engineering time spent on varies aspect starting from modelling to drawing and connection data extraction.

1. STAAD To CAD (Drawing Automation program) – Focusses on automatically generating the scaled drawings with section markings facilitating an efficient workflow from designer to drafter.

2. Member Force App (Extracts Connection Forces from STAAD) – This program extracts the beam end force for connections with critical forces sorted efficiently and facilitates the feature to save the forces in excel format.

3. MTO Generator (Generates BOM for Built-Up section) – A program that concentrates on extracting the material take off for each and every plates used in STAAD enabling an early procurement list which might help saving the time in preparing one manually.

4. 3D Assemble Kit (Converts 2D STAAD model to 3D) – This program automates the complete process of modelling, member assignment, wind load application, bracing and strut tube modelling and design parameter assignment into the model with ease. This might boost the efficiency of engineers by automating a huge part of manual work in the modelling stage of any project.