First-ever Web Application for STAAD Automation

Star-Column Coordinate Generator Application for STAAD (FREE)
✔ Parametrically modify the I-sections for Star (Plus) column and download the coordinates as .csv file.
✔ FREE to use and available for lifetime.

Technical Blog & Content Creation Platform
- Contains detailed Technical blog posts explaining the concepts of structural engineering in the simplest form possible (Check the “Blog” section)
- E-Books that contain a practical application and hand calculations for various steel components (Check the “Download Store” section)
- A comprehensive video tutorial and content on automation for Structural Engineers and various aspects of Steel Design. (Check the “Library” section)
Genetic Algorithm for Structural Optimization
A step by step guide for Structural Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
- Includes the implementation of Excel VBA code in the explanation along with Code Snippets
- Detailed guide through the process with an actual problem statement
- Building a GA for the optimization of a simply supported beam along learning the concepts
- Will be prepared to use GA for further Optimization problems
- Download option available to buy the book along with the Optimization Workbook is available as well

Waitlist for the Course: “Engineering With Code”: A Programming Course for Civil Engineers

A comprehensive course designed to enable non-programming civil engineers to build automation tools by introducing them to the fundamentals of programming.
Upon completing this course, you will gain practical experience in engineering programming and develop a set of automation programs to address the bottlenecks you encounter in your daily work routine.
OpenSTAAD Documentation (Functions with Examples)
Latest Blog Posts
Why STAAD Pro is MUST for Civil/Structural Engineers?
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Laterally Supported and Unsupported Beams: A Comprehensive Guide
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Mastering the Art of Steel Design: Enhancing Column Strength & Integrity
When it comes to steel design, the strength and structural integrity of columns are of paramount imp…
Structural Engineering Software Used in India (2024)
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Algorithms for Weight Optimization of Steel Structures: A Guide for Civil Engineers
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The Advantages of Steel Frame Structures: A Guide to Strong, Sustainable Building
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Block Shear Failure as per AISC Code
Table of Contents #Understanding the Concept of Block Shear Failure Block shear failure occurs when …