About Us

Who is Parishith Jayan?

I am a practicing structural engineer from Pondicherry, experienced in the design of structural steel buildings and this is my story.

I was graduated from Pondicherry Engineering College in the year of 2015 with a B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering. Upon completing my Under-Graduate program, as every youth, I too had a dilemma on whether pursuing higher education or to look for a job. 
So, what we usually do when we are confused? Yes, we used to ask for others’ suggestions, right. And after speaking with a handful of colleagues, seniors, elders, and so on, decided to take up my Post-Graduate program on Structural Engineering.
Years rolled by, and I successfully completed my PG degree. Very soon, a popular question popped out, “What’s Next?”
Started my endeavor on searching for a job. After a few rejections, landed on my first job as a Steel Design Engineer in my hometown itself. 
This is where I thought, “Our Academics and learning are over”. And that thought does not stay long, it vanished the very first day of my career. I understood the work environment needs much more than what I gained so far. I again started to learn so that I understand my works and complete with perfection.
Initially, it was hard for me to transfer what I learned theoretically into a realistic structure. This hardship boosted me to learn more. This total process of learning, made me realize my passion for Structural Engineering, and I understood that it is not a subject to master by reading, it is more like our intuition or instinct. 
Let me explain it with a small anecdote.
Say, for example, You are trapped in the terrace of a burning building, the terrace of the next building is around 20 feet far from yours. There were several wooden planks on your terrace which is long enough to cover the distance between two buildings. 
What will you do? You would take one of the planks and bridge it between two terraces and walk over it, right. 
My question is, which plank would you choose, obviously, the thicker plank, am I right. 
But Why? 
Because it has a better bending capacity than other planks due to its increased moment of inertia (which is a result of higher thickness).
See, Structural Engineering is an intuition.
Time flies so fast and just like that 6 years moved, and here I am with more than 2000 days of experience in Steel Structures design.
Put together, I am a Structural Engineering Enthusiast, constant learner, a decent programmer with basic programming knowledge, an active Quoran, and now a Blogger.

Why “Structures-Simplified”? 

It was hard for me to initially understand certain concepts in structural engineering during the early days of my career. I used to google all my day searching for stuff, looking for simple explanations, that drives me to build this blog.

What is the purpose?

I would like to make “Structures-Simplified” a platform that benefits practicing designers as a knowledge database. And to make upcoming engineers admire the simplicity that lies on the other side of complexity in Structural Engineering.